
  • Gabriel Ordones da Costa Centro Universitário UNA
  • Ana Luiza Dias Moreira Centro Universitário UNA
  • Joanna Rodrigues Medeiros
  • Daniela Centro Universitário UNA



Consumption, user experience, e-commerce, multi-screen


This research is intended to investigate the motivations that lead the user to migrate between devices at the end of the online purchase, in a multi-screen behavior in e-commerce. In the contemporary context, how multiple platforms have developed from the dissemination of access to technologies, causing the phenomenon of multiscreens in different electronic devices, aided by network and Internet communication. Using the theoretical framework, a field research with a quali-quantitative approach was conducted through a script for the study in in-depth interviews, as well as a questionnaire with e-commerce users. With the descriptive statistical results, the motivations for migrating computer and/or mobile devices to online purchases were analyzed, identifying that the features that optimize and facilitate usability on each platform are the main motivations for the migration of devices.


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How to Cite

Ordones da Costa, G., Dias Moreira , A. L. ., Rodrigues Medeiros, J. . ., & Daniela. (2022). USER EXPERIENCE ON CONSUMPTION: : MOTIVATION MULTI-SCREEN USERS TO SWITCH PLATAFORMS DURING THA PURCHASE PROCESS. Management & Society Electronic Journal, 16(44).