Coaching services: A critical analysis of its discursive aspects and spread in Brazil


  • Wagner Salles Universidade Veiga de Almeida, UVA, Brasil
  • Fernando de Oliveira Vieira Universidade Federal Fluminense, UFF, Brasil
  • Márcio Santos Souza Universidade Veiga de Almeida, UVA, Brasil
  • Sérgio Ricardo da Silveira Barros Universidade Federal Fluminense, UFF, Brasil



Coaching, Human development, Organizational seduction, Organizational spirituality


On the corporate context which learning is emphasized, coaching becomes a central tool for human development, in the search for a professional profile of quick results. On this scenario, this study investigates how the human development proposals inherent to the coaching process, spread in Brazil, are positioned. From a theoretical basis on the concepts of coaching, organizational spirituality and organizational seduction, the research examined the discourse assumed in 148 texts and 2 training entities. Through a documentary analysis and a content analysis (words, sentence constructions and construction of the semantic network), the results point out that in the analyzed sources there is an immoderated emphasis on subjective aspects, configuring a possible scenario of subjectivity sequestration, which emerges in various means, such as psychological control, shared collective imagery, dominant ideology and conditioned power.


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How to Cite

Salles, W., Vieira, F. de O., Souza, M. S., & Barros, S. R. da S. (2019). Coaching services: A critical analysis of its discursive aspects and spread in Brazil. Management & Society Electronic Journal, 13(36), 3231–3260.