Perception of public servants of a federal organization regarding the implementation of management by competencies


  • Lana Montezano Universidade de Brasília
  • Bárbara Novaes Medeiros Universidade de Brasília
  • Andressa Oliveira Pinheiro Universidade de Brasília
  • César Augusto Assis Mascarenhas de Oliveira Ministério do Planejamento, Desenvolvimento e Gestão



Decree Number 5,707/2006 represents the legal guidelines policy for the management by competences (MBC) in Public Administration. The aim of this paper is to describe government employees'perception of MBC implementation process in a Federal Public Organization. This perception describes difficulties and possible benefits received from this management model. The emphasis is on the descriptive, transversal, qualitative case study method and questionnaires are used by 16 government employees. Triangulation and content analysis were used. The results indicated that Organization carried out initial diagnostic and capturing actions. There is a government employees understanding about MBC's concept, although most have not had previous training or experience in the subject. Perceptions identified were about main difficulties, such as organizational culture, methodological limitations and implementation practices. Perceived benefits envolves improvement in performance and staff allocation. Future studies are proposed to improve MBC in Public Organizations implementation​.


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Author Biographies

Bárbara Novaes Medeiros, Universidade de Brasília

Doutoranda em Administração - PPGA / UnB

Andressa Oliveira Pinheiro, Universidade de Brasília

Graduanda em Administração - Departamento de Administração (FACE) / UnB



How to Cite

Montezano, L., Medeiros, B. N., Pinheiro, A. O., & Oliveira, C. A. A. M. de. (2018). Perception of public servants of a federal organization regarding the implementation of management by competencies. Management & Society Electronic Journal, 13(34).