A bibliometric analysis of the last two decades (2001 - 2021)


  • Carlos Leandro Soares Vieira Universidade Federal do Cariri
  • Manoel Bastos Gomes Neto Federal University of Cariri
  • Rebeca da Rocha Grangeiro Federal University of Cariri



Meaning of Work, Meaningfulness of work, Bibliometry, Bibliometric Methods, Scientific Production


This paper aims to map the literature on the meaning and meaningfullness of work in the last two decades (2001 to 2021) using bibliometric methods. As of 2008 there is an increase in research carried out. As for the most productive authors, it is clear that a small portion of the scientific community is responsible for a large part of the production. The most cited papers in the database are predominantly theoretical works or literature reviews (n=6). This article offers contributions to the development of studies on the meaning of work, since it presents research gaps and possibilities for future studies.


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How to Cite

Soares Vieira, C. L., Gomes Neto, M. B., & Grangeiro, R. da R. (2023). MEANING OF WORK:: A bibliometric analysis of the last two decades (2001 - 2021). Management & Society Electronic Journal, 16(46).