
  • Dr. José Edson Lara Fundação Pedro Leopoldo e FATEC-PR
  • Marcela Augusta Nogueira Vilela Profissional Autônoma
  • Dr Rodrigo Curitiba Technology Faculty
  • Thalles Augusto Tissot-Lara Principal Investimentos
  • MS Altieres Executive Editor of the International Journal of Professional Business Review



Sensory analysis; Consumer behavior; Sensory marketing; Perfumes; Senses


This research studies the perceptual convergence of consumers when buying perfumes, considering the four senses (smell, sight, touch, and hearing (social influences)). Perceptual convergence was determined as a dependent variable and each sense as an independent variable. A survey was carried out with 321 respondents, showing the influence of consumer sensory constructs. The strongest correlations were between "olfactory perception" and "hearing" (social image of the perfume) and "smell" and "touch". The lowest correlations were "sight" and "smell". Sensory convergence is better explained by the constructs "smell" and "touch", while "sight" and "hearing" (perfume suggestions) did not indicate strong contributions. The importance of the analysis of sensorial convergence in the perfumery sector, both in scientific investigations and in the industry, was verified. The use of neurotechnologies is recommended to obtain knowledge about sensorineural influences, for example, neuroplasticity, in sensory experiences in perfumes, food products, beverages, pharmaceuticals, retail, among other marketing possibilities.



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Author Biographies

Dr. José Edson Lara, Fundação Pedro Leopoldo e FATEC-PR

Ph.D. in Business Economics from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. MSc in Administration/International Business, by Fundação Getúlio Vargas, SP.  Graduated in Administration from FCCAMS, Juiz de Fora. Prof. Retired from UFMG and Former Professor at the Federal University of Viçosa and Federal University of Juiz de Fora. Consultant for several companies. 

Marcela Augusta Nogueira Vilela, Profissional Autônoma

MSc in Administration, by Pedro Leopoldo Foundation. MBA in Strategic Information Management, by UFMG. Degree in Social Communication from Faculdade Promove. Self-Employed Professional.

Dr Rodrigo, Curitiba Technology Faculty

Doctor and Master in Forestry Economics and Policy – UFPR and graduated in Forestry Engineering from the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR). He participated in the CAPES / BRAFITEC exchange program, staying one year in France. He is General Director of the Faculty of Technology of Curitiba

Thalles Augusto Tissot-Lara, Principal Investimentos

Mechanical Engineer, by PUC Minas. Financial Analyst, by Principal Investimentos.

MS Altieres, Executive Editor of the International Journal of Professional Business Review

MSc in Administration, by the Superior School of Advertising and Marketing. Master's student in Business Law and Citizenship, at Centro Universitário Unicuritiba. Executive Editor of the International Journal of Professional Business Review and Revista Jurídica Unicuritiba. 


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How to Cite

Lara, J. E., Vilela, M. A. N., Ribeiro, R. M., Tissot-Lara, T. A. ., & Silva, A. de O. . (2021). SENSORY ANALYSIS: SENSORY-PERCEPTUAL CONVERGENCE IN THE PURCHASING DECISION PROCESS OF THE PERFUME CONSUMER. Management & Society Electronic Journal, 15(43).