Motivation in volunteering: case study in a non-governmental organization


  • Edson Rodrigues Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brasil
  • Luana Rodrigues Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brasil
  • Ana Paula Moreno Pinho Universidade Federal do Ceará



Motivation, volunteering, volunteer work, third sector, non-governamental organization


Volunteering has impacted several areas of society, constituting itself as an important civil movement. For this, the volunteer, an unpaid individual who receives intangible rewards, is essential. Thus, this study aims to analyze the factors that motivate members of a non-governmental organization in Fortaleza city (Ceará, Brazil) to work in volunteering. The theme is relevant as these organizations need to broaden their activities and the more they know about the motivations of individuals, the better they can think about their management strategies. Based on the model proposed by Gemelli (2015) and structured from a case study, this research bet on methodological triangulation for data collection. The results show that all categories - personal, social, professional and ideological - manifest among volunteers. Personal factors stand out, with an emphasis on “personal satisfaction” and “desire to be useful”. On the other hand, professional motivations were not relevant.


Keywords: Motivation, Volunteering, Volunteer work, Third Sector, Non-governmental organization.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, E., Rodrigues, L., & Pinho, A. P. M. (2020). Motivation in volunteering: case study in a non-governmental organization. Management & Society Electronic Journal, 14(40), 3923–3952.