Will robots have the capacity to replace Mankind? Survey from Portugal


  • Mafalda Rombão Universidade Europeia, Lisboa
  • Eduardo Tomé Universidade Europeia, Lisbon, Portugal. GOVCOPP Research Center Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
  • César Ribeiro Universidade Europeia, Lisboa




Artificial Intelligence, Robots, Human Resources, Human Resources Management, Human Resources Development


This work aims analyze if citizens believe that Artificial Intelligence (AI) may have the ability to replace humans in society. The question has become very important and sensible in the public domain, particularly since 4.0 technology was created and digitalization was implemented. A literature review on the topic was conducted and five sub areas of interest were defined, related to, and namely robots and AI in Human Resources, Human Resource Management, Human Resource Development,  Organizations and Society. Due to the innovative  characteristic of the study, a questionnaire was developed, composed of 30 questions and a 5 points Liekert scale. The study was implemented in Portugal.  An exploratory factorial analysis was performed and 5 new factors were defined. The paper presents the results for the 5 initial questions and the five new factors. It was found that people accept that robots will have a massive influence in society but quite crucially, they will never succeed have emotions or feelings – and these are very interesting results. The studies’ main limitation is the small sample size, and we would like to see it replicated worldwide, particularly because we found a valid scale of 5 items.


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Author Biography

Eduardo Tomé, Universidade Europeia, Lisbon, Portugal. GOVCOPP Research Center Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal

Obteve o Doutoramento em Economia no ISEG, da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, em 2001. Desde então leccionou em instituições do ensino Superior privado em Portugal. Anteriormente, fez um Mestrado em Economia e Politica Social, em 2011, também pelo ISEG UTL e uma Pós Graduação em Economia Europeia, em 1990-91, na Unviversidade Católica, de Lisboa, depois de uma licenciatura em Economia também na UCP, de Lisboa, em 1987. Começou a colaborar com a Universidade Europeia em 2013-14. As suas principais áreas de interesse são Recursos Humanos, Gestão do Conhecimento, Capital Intelectual, Políticas Sociais e Economia Internacional. Publicou até ao momento 25 papers em Journals, como o Journal of Intellectual Capital, o European Journal for Training and Development (EJTD) e o Electronic Journal on Knowledge Mangment (EJKM). Liderou a organização de três Special Issues, no EJTD, no EJKM e no International Journal for Knowledge Based Development. Tem 21 papers incluídos na base SCOPUS. É membro do centro GOVCOPP da Universidade de Aveiro. Organizou 4 Conferências Internacionais – MSKE 2009, ECKM 2010, MSKE 2011, e UFHRD 2012.


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How to Cite

Rombão, M. ., Tomé, E., & Ribeiro , C. . (2020). Will robots have the capacity to replace Mankind? Survey from Portugal. Management & Society Electronic Journal, 14(37), 3417–3438. https://doi.org/10.21171/ges.v14i37.3084