The approach of process management in public administration: a study on a local legislative chamber


  • Ítalo Henrique F. R. da Silva Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, UFPE, Brasil
  • Natanael da Silva Soares Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, UFPE, Brasil
  • Bruno Gustavo Ferreira do Nascimento Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, UFPE, Brasil
  • Elisabeth Cavalcante dos Santos Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, UFPE, Brasil



Gestão de Processos, Administração pública, câmara legislativa, criação de lei, Agreste Pernambucano


Abstract: In this research, a study of the processes of Legislative Chamber (CL), located in the Agreste of Pernambuco, was carried out, though a process management methodology, in order to propose improvements. Methods such as semi-structured interviews, meeting, brainstorming technique, documentary research and secondary data to control the projects of laws produced by the organizational departments involved in the study were used. As main results, it was possible to identify a functional structure by transversal processes that places the citizen/user as a central character. It was also possible to perceive the interference of political and cultural issues typical of the public administration in the Northeast of Brazil, which interfere in the process of creation of the ordinary bill analyzed. Given the main problem observed, namely, the absence of a previous analysis of the bills, culminating in the rejection rate, a new phase was proposed to the process detailed through the flowchart.

Keywords: Process Management, Public Administration, Legislative Chamber, Law Creation, Agreste of Pernambuco.


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How to Cite

Silva, Ítalo H. F. R. da, Soares, N. da S., Nascimento, B. G. F. do, & Santos, E. C. dos. (2020). The approach of process management in public administration: a study on a local legislative chamber. Management & Society Electronic Journal, 14(40), 3771–3806.