Gender, entrepreneurship and professional empowerment


  • Ana Maria Brandão Universidade do Minho, Portugal
  • Ana Paula Marques Universidade do Minho, Portugal
  • Rita Lamela Universidade do Minho, Portugal



Studies on entrepreneurship show the persistency of gender inequality linked to distinct structural conditions that operate to the detriment of women. This paper focuses on young graduates who choose to pursue autonomous career projects. Two profiles stand out: the “traditional” and the “innovative” entrepreneur. The first gathers more women in proximity and care services; the second includes more men in innovative and knowledge-intensive sectors. Results imply the need of a broader discussion about the prerequisites of female economic autonomy. They also suggest that entrepreneurship promotion policies should crucially address gender specificities and their relationship with higher education systems.


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Author Biography

Ana Maria Brandão, Universidade do Minho, Portugal

Professora Auxiliar do Departamento de Sociologia da Universidade do Minho



How to Cite

Brandão, A. M., Marques, A. P., & Lamela, R. (2019). Gender, entrepreneurship and professional empowerment. Management & Society Electronic Journal, 13(35), 2963–2991.