Organizational gender culture: a diagnostic experience for the application of gender mainstreaming




Gender mainstreaming, Organizational diagnosis, Gender culture, Gender climate, Gender competences.


This paper focuses on a diagnostic structure of the organizational gender culture applied during a project to design an equality plan for the institutionalization of gender mainstreaming in a city council of Andalusia (Spain). Fifty people participated. From a participatory action perspective, observations were recorded in a field diary and narrative interviews and nominal groups were held. The results reflect the relationship between the types of perception of Gender Climate, Gender Competences and Positions adopted by those who participate for applying the gender approach. In addition, the participants show positions of rejection and facilitation of the evaluation process, as well as various forms of participation; observing differences among departments. The conclusions of the article indicate that the evaluation structure facilitates the application of gender mainstreaming to the organization.


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Biografia do Autor

Concepción Mimbrero Mallado, Universidad Pablo de Olavide

Doctorate degree in Social Psychology and Master’s degree in gender and professional development studies from Universidad de Sevilla. Former professor at the Department of Social Psychology, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Currently professor at the Department of Basic Psychology, Universidad Pablo de Olavide.

Leonor María Cantera Espinosa, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB)

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) from Universidad de Puerto Rico. Doctorate degree in Social Psychologywith Extraordinary Award from Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB). Full Professor in Social Psychology at UAB and current Head of the Department of Social Psychology. Coordinator of the research group on intimate partner and workplace violence –VIPAT–, UAB




Como Citar

Mimbrero Mallado, C., & Cantera Espinosa, L. M. (2018). Organizational gender culture: a diagnostic experience for the application of gender mainstreaming. Gestão E Sociedade, 12(33).